Mrs. Istanbilly leaves Qatar tomorrow for the last time. She is off to Skopelos for the summer. She has been a busy bee today - she is not only packing her bags, but packing the household effects up ready for shipping to Istanbul. She is doing that because I am so unreliable (her word not mine) that I can't be trusted to do a proper job of it!
Anyway, what I can do is show you a couple of pix of the where we are going to live when we get to Istanbul:

Above is the front view of our house, it is a nice place, brand new, two bedrooms, not overly big, but big enough for us. This is the side of the house:

We have two balconies - one looks over the tennis courts which are in the process of being built and this is the view from the other:

I have to say that this is a view that I can happily live with - at the moment I have a view of the villas on the opposite side of the street about 15 metres away! And if they weren't there I would have a view of Qatar which, for the most part, is brown!

This is the pool which is shared by about 10 or so houses. Provided there aren't too many kids that could be quite pleasant!
I think we have found ourselves quite a nice place to live and it is only a couple of kilometres from the school. In fact, we can see the school from the balcony, but it is difficult to spot in the photo above as the walls of the school are green and it blends in with the scenery.
The next two weeks are going to be pretty drab with Mrs. I not around, but I will be joining her in Skopelos soon. I leave Qatar on the 2nd of July, spend that night in Athens and will arrive in Skopelos at about 2 in the afternoon of the 3rd of July. I am looking forward to the holiday but I am looking forward to getting started in Istanbul as well.
Roll on the 2nd of July!
Safe journey Mrs Istanbilliy glad to know that the eye was safe to fly.
Enjoy skoppy with your bridge partener.Say hi to here too.
Mr Istanbilly not long to go now!!!!
We are thinking of you and so glad that teh change has finally come.
Big hug.
Looks fab, Billy! But it doens't look right IN Istanbul. Where will you be?
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