I"ve only got one photograph of my grandad. He died at Gallipoli in the first world war when my dad was two. The photo is a bit the worse for wear. I got it about 25 or 26 years ago and it hasn't got any worse since the day I got it.
It isn't a great photo, but then it dates back about 95 years.
As you can see, it's a bit knackered - the sellotape has been there as long as I have known this photograph. So, I thought I'd have a go at doing some work on it. I didn't use a tutorial or a book, I just tried various things that I already know and took my time doing it.
This is the result:
I've got to say that I'm quite chuffed with it. I know, I have no way of knowing that his eyes were blue - I use my son's eye colour, and my dad's were the same colour as well. I guess a purist may say that I shouldn't have coloured it. I haven't, the original is still here with me. I like what I've done and I think my son will like it when he sees it as well.