Travels in Xanadu-Du a tribal fantasy by Keef Williamson arrived today! This is a much awaited book which is the first novel written by my mate Keefieboy - here's hoping it makes him a fortune! There is a second in the pipeline. So, if you haven't ordered yours yet, follow the link and get it ordered!
What do you mean, "What's it like?" How am I supposed to know, it only arrived today and it is now in a queue! I started reading Stephen King's new novel Duma Key a few days ago and that is a pretty weighty tome - could take a while. In the meantime, Travels will sit quietly on my bedside table just waiting for its chance.
Thanks Keef mate, I will let you know what I think when I've read it.
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11 months ago
Astonished, I am: the UK ones only arrived 4-5 days ago!
"Le livre nouveau est arrivé!" Nearly three hundred sheets of Garamond 11 just turned up in Sharjah.
I flipped through it(my husband won't let me read it until he's fnished) and failed to see the phrase 'disingenuous tosh' -- are you SURE Keefieboy really wrote this book?
Mine arrived on Thursday (I think.......I've slept since then!) & I shall get stuck into it just as soon as I've finished 'Mr Pip' :-)
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