Friday 30 May 2008

Fighting the Flab

The Dubaibilly's are now officially fighting the flab! Mrs DB has decreed that we have to trim down and get fit! So, today, we wobbled off to our local Carrefour and purchased this beastie:

Torture Machine

Now, the thing with the big fat arse stood on the beast is yours truly, the thing at the side of the beast that looks something like about a hundred and fifty bottles of wine is, in fact, something like about a hundred and fifty bottles of wine and is probably responsible for the fat which Mrs DB wants us to get rid of (or at least its predecessors are)!

The question is, do we get rid of the fat first or the wine first?


Anonymous said...

I didn't know wine made you fat :s

That's probably because wine is the one subject I have no information about.

Good luck with the weight loss plan! I've gained 10 kgs since moving here 4 months ago. Luckily, I was too thin before, now I look healthy. Any more weight gain and i'll be hitting the gym =)

Anonymous said...

" we get rid of the fat first or the wine first?"

Hello! What a question! Get rid of the wine and then you won't care about the fat. Problem solved!

Em said...

Alcohol makes people fat? I thought it dissolved fat....

Jayne said...

Wine is good for you. Grandma used to have a glass every night & Mike takes great pleasure in supping on something like a Rubicon. I don't drink alcohol myself, but whilst in the Magic Kingdom (KSA) a few years back, took great pride in knocking out some rather good home-made stuff. It kept the compound residents happy anyway!
Enjoy your life DB - don't sweat the small stuff about a few extra kilos :-)
(says she, some 25kg overweight, but I can still swing my leg over a Harley, so sod it!)